10-Time National Baseball Congress World Series Champions
Santa Barbara Foresters

To: Foresters Family

From: Bill Pintard and Foresters board of directors

The Foresters have been proud to represent Santa Barbara  for more than 20 years and have brought six national championships back from the NBC World Series in Wichita, Kansas. Each year, the organization starts almost from scratch, raising money to support the team through sponsorships, ad sales, donations, gate receipts, and more. Once again, we’re appealing to our generous fans to help make sure the team has the financial ability to return to Wichita in a month to defend our national title. This year, we have an even bigger hill to climb due to the increased expense of our move to Pershing Park.

We’re asking the Foresters faithful to do again what they have done for years: Help us out. Can you donate anything to help the team make it to Wichita? It’s important that you know that all of the Hugs for Cubs activities will continue regardless of Wichita. But bringing our entire team safely to and from Kansas is a big undertaking, and in recent years, we have had to dig deep to make it.

Use the PayPal link on this page to contribute what you can. If you have questions or ideas, please send them to [email protected].

The Foresters are blessed with the best fans in the country . . . that’s why we know we can call on them for help.


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Santa Barbara Foresters | All Rights Reserved